Thursday, August 2, 2012

Moving Turns Me Type A

Cory and I just finished moving, AGAIN. I’ve moved practically every year since 2006, and this is the 3rd time Cory and I have moved our things together. I thought I would share my process (my three pronged attack) with you. Hopefully you will find this post helpful. Honestly, I’d like to write it all down so I can refer back when I, inevitably, move again! 

{Lucy being super helpful at 2am.}

Phase 1: Get it Organized (communication is key)

Start by setting a date for the move. If you plan on enlisting friends or family to help with the move pick a date that works for everyone. 

This is a good time to reserve a truck or hire a moving company. The countdown begins once you set a date!

Don’t forget to call and cancel your cable, utilities/electric, trash service, etc. effective the day after you move.

Also, have your mail forwarded/change your billing address (we did this online).

I like to start by doing a preliminary run around the house. Cory and I do this together. We talk about the things we would like to toss, donate and relocate. I take a mental inventory of our things like furniture, books, accessories, electronics, kitchen related items, linens, clothes, and outdoor items. Remember to open every closet, and check inside every cabinet. Don’t forget the garage or shed. It seems pretty overwhelming at first, but it gets me pumped up for phase 2. 

Phase 2: Let it Go (be ruthless/hello craigslist) 

Purging has always played a huge roll in moving for me. Cory and I finally have a chance to donate some things from our college days. We have graciously been accepting second hand items for years now.  We were penny pinching college kids and we needed kitchen things, dressers, desks, patio furniture, lighting, etc. Obviously I never shy away from something just because it’s second hand, often that’s a major selling point. The things I’m referring to were not treasures (trust me).  

Just pick a place to start. I started in our attic (previously I began under the kitchen sink). There were things up there that we hadn’t used since we moved 2 years ago. There’s a pretty good chance we don’t need those things in our next place. Next, we headed to our closets. We donated clothes, shoes, and accessories (well I donated accessories). We also donated books and knickknacks. 

Cory and I decided to set up a craigslist account. There were items we wanted to get rid of but didn’t have a way of transporting them to a donation center. Inviting people to pick up those items AND pay us sounded just swell!  

Clearing the clutter can be a real downer. Be ruthless but don’t over-do it. Try and think about the things you use and really love. Imagine what you would like to see in your new place. I didn’t donate my great grandmother’s milk glass collection, but I did let a hand-me-down rug from target go. Don’t be afraid to give yourself a fresh start, you deserve it!

Phase 3: Pack it Up (have a buddy/play good music)

See, you have done yourself a favor. All that work donating leaves you with less to pack!  Still, literally packing is my least favorite part. Try to divide and conquer. Cory tackled our garage while I packed our kitchen. Be sure to pack like items together (pots/pans. coffee mugs/everyday glasses. paper clips/rubber bands and extra printer paper).

My Supply List-

Clear Plastic Bins
A couple of years ago Cory and I invested in about 20 clear plastic bins. This makes moving a million times easier. We are never worried about the bottoms of boxes falling out or our things smelling like cantaloupes. It’s easy to see the items inside and you only pay for them once. We keep the bins in our attic or garage until we’re ready to move again.

This is the paper that the kind people at homegoods wrap your breakable purchases in. It’s unprinted, which means it won’t turn your fingers black as you pack and it will never discolor your precious treasures.  

Packing Tape
Buy good quality tape that is actually freaking sticky. We tape up our bins just to make sure the lids don’t try and escape.

Because nothing beats permanent marker high at 2am when you’re STILL packing. Seriously though, label your crap. It makes life easier when you arrive at your new place. You think you'll remember what you packed in each box, but you won't... I tape a piece of computer paper on the top/side of each bin. The label includes the name of the room (where the box should go) and the contents {KITCHEN: EVERYDAY DISHES AND GLASSES}. 
Go the extra mile. Make a note of the contents, save yourself from eating cereal out of a muffin tin the morning after.

Final Notes:
-Give yourself enough time to pack and to literally move. This will all take longer than you think.

-Make a pitcher of lemonade and ice water, provide healthy snacks (especially if your friends and family are helping). Bad things will happen when people are thirsty, hungry and/or tired.

-Pack an overnight bag. This should include a set of sheets, a change of clothes plus jammies, shower stuff, and medicine. Keep this with you in the car. 

-Pack a “use immediately” box. Think: cleaning supplies, coffee maker (coffee, sugar, 2 mugs), and a roll of toilet paper. I keep all the hardware to our curtain rods and bed frames in individual, labeled zip-top baggies in this box as well. Keep this with you in the car.

-I always leave a fresh roll of toilet paper behind for the new people. Karma right? 


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