Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Is it 1950 in here or is it just me?

The other evening Cory and I returned home after a yummy dinner out with the fam. We noticed an older man knocking on our neighbor's door. When our neighbor didn't answer (because he wasn't home, not because he's a jerk) the man carefully walked down the porch steps and said to us "Guess he's not in." I offered to take his name and let our neighbor know he stopped by. The man said that wasn't necessary, he just needed help putting in an air conditioning unit (it's been pretty warm here lately). I quickly offered Cory up to help with the job. The man welcomed the help and said he lived just around the corner. So, Cory hopped in the man's little blue pick up truck and off they went.

I waved and smiled as they drove off thinking "oh $h!t, hopefully I didn't just send Cory off with a serial killer."Figuring Cory could take 'em, I went in the house, unloaded the dishwasher, switched a load of laundry, and fed Lucy. A few minutes later I passed a window and saw the little old truck stopped in front of our house. Cory shook the man's hand and got out of the truck. When I met Cory at the door I realized he was holding a plastic grocery bag filled to the brim. Cory placed the bag down on our kitchen counter and proceeded to take out tomato after tomato and 5 of the biggest cucumbers I've ever seen. The man was so grateful for Cory's help he paid him in vegetables from his back yard garden. How adorable, right?! We both thought it was just the sweetest thing. Even when someone is shaking your globe and it seems like the whole world is trying to bring you down something like this happens. It certainly brought a big smile to my face.

All this kindness left me with the best kind of problem to have- TOO MANY TOMATOES!!
 My window sills are filling up with tomatoes. Some are from our garden and others Cory brought home.
Time to get cookin'! The tomatoes are so perfect on their own, thought I'd just let their perfect backyard garden tomatoey-ness shine through. My favorite sandwich of all time is a BLT. I haven't had one in such a long time since there is no point making one in the middle of winter. Now, we're a month into summer and I still haven't made any (well, until tonight).
Mmmmmmmmmmmm. Mmmmmmmm. Mmmmmmmmmm.
I used whole wheat bread and Kraft mayo with olive oil. I used Ina Garten's trick for cooking bacon. You just put it on a cookie sheet and throw it in a 400 degree oven. It stays flat, gets nice and crispy and you don't risk burning yourself 1,000 times! Stay tuned for more tomato recipes =) ~L


  1. How sweet! I wish my tomatoes would get ripe. Oh wait...I have had some ripe ones except Bandit eats them as soon as they turn red. He is living up to his name. A few of my purple tomatoes are almost ripe - guess I better put up something to keep the thief from eating them!

  2. I can't wait to see all of your heirloom tomatoes. Hopefully Bandit will have his fill before the pretty ones are ripe! I was cleaning out my purse the other day and realized I had like $3 and change left on a Lowes gift card. So, I popped in and went straight to the "please help me I'm dying and I'm 50% off" section. I found a 'cherokee purple' heirloom tomato plant for (wait for it...) $1!!!!! I made a little spot for him in the earth box. Can't wait to see what happens!

  3. Between Bandit, the birds, and other undesirable critters, my tomatoes are almost non existent. I did get a few handfuls of yellow and red cherry tomatoes. That may be all I get. :-(
    Good luck with the purple tomato. I had 3 almost ripe...2 got pecked by the birds. I picked the other one to save it. It's still ripening in the window.
