Sunday, July 22, 2012

Its been too long...

It has been quite a while since I've made a post of my own; thankfully, Lauren has been busily posting as frequently as she could. Since our viewers are mostly ourselves, significant others and family members, (and in that order, I fear) I suppose I can bare the guilt. Just barely though...

After finishing graduate school in April, with a big kiss goodbye to final exams, papers and presentations, I dove deeply into my new career. I was fortunate enough to be hired by my former internship's organization, and in a word; my job = love. However, I've started to notice that most of my energy, creativity, positive attitude and personality were being poured out from 7am-4pm, leaving me drained and exhausted by 5pm. Being in a position that demands a master's degree, years of unpaid experience, being content with a itsy bitsy salary and is emotionally draining, is going to be bittersweet. That said, I really enjoy my work and feel at peace each day in that regard, which makes it all worth while to me. Not to mention I have several awesome, kind, hilarious co-workers to grab coffee with... Seattle's Best Vanilla- I'm looking at you my delicious friend.

After any big life adjustment (Lauren- which developmental step did I just complete according to Piaget!?) we eventually settle down and try to weave together the old with the new. Which is when I discovered it had been months without practicing new recipe, buying a new cookbook, attempting to knit or make a thing. Andy and I were just coming home, eating one of our comfy-classics and watching TV until drowsy enough to call it a night. [Although it hasn't been all bad... We did take a vacation to HAWAII!]

More on that later... to make a long story short; taking time to refocus each day onto something that makes one happy is integral to living well, at least according to me. If you are a lucky person, your calming, refocusing activity may be running or exercising (this is so not me). But it might be something that Lauren and I like to do: blogging, cooking, baking, knitting, painting furniture... getting our significant others to rearrange all of that furniture, neurotically arranging candles, jewelry, pictures, trying a new flavor of olive oil and planning our blog posts. If any of those make your boat float, please check back in the future. And if they don't, please check back here in the future, regardless.

That's enough for now, I'm off to fix some salsa scrambled eggs with avocado toast (will post recipe in near future), then public market for our usual supply of local beer, homemade oatmeal cream pies, fresh veggies and fruit, last but not least we are off to see the latest animated children's movie. 

Have a great lazy Sunday <3


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