Friday, June 3, 2011

Everything Is Coming Up...Zinnias

Earlier this spring, I started some Zinnia seeds. I filled a pot full of dirt and scattered the seeds on the surface of the soil. I kept the pot in a sunny spot inside my home with a piece of plastic wrap on top (makeshift greenhouse). The plastic wrap kept the soil nice and warm. I filled a reusable spray bottle with water and in the mornings I would pull back the plastic blanket and give the little guys a spritz. I get really excited over the smallest things, like anthro-inspired wall art that costs $0, and strawberry lemonade. So it shouldn't come as a big surprise that little Zinnias poking their heads up out of the soil made my heart go pitter patter. Once it warmed up outside (beginning of May), and I felt the Zinnia seedlings were strong enough to be transplanted, I rolled up my sleeves and headed to the garden. 

I picked a little spot by our front door, back door door (see entryway makeover post) and carefully, lovingly, replanted the tiny seedlings. I stood up and stared at the baby Zinnias, and felt, as I imagine a parents feels, watching their first child ride away to kindergarten on the school bus. Ok, it wasn't that serious but starting something from seed is hard work and one can easily become quite attached to a tiny green stem with 2 budding leaves. Lucy promptly dug a huge hole in the flower bed and I, again, carefully, lovingly,  planted what Zinnia seedlings I found scattered throughout the yard.

Here are the Zinnias today.
Lucy still thinks she owns the flowerbed. Who am I kidding? She does.
 I'll post about about these guys again when they're blooming! ~L

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