Monday, June 13, 2011

You Like Tomato and I Like Tomahto

Cory and I took a little trip out of town this weekend. I was excited to hit the road but also a little nervous about leaving my plants. I'm aware that it sounds a little pathetic, (like an old maid worrying about leaving her 67 cats behind) but I've put a lot of work into my first ever garden and I want to keep it alive for the summer. Thankfully, we had some rain while we were away, and when we arrived it looked as though everyone had doubled in size. My flowers were blooming, there were strawberries and lettuce to pick and (drum roll please......)

My first cherry tomatoes were ready to be picked!!!

 Aren't they just the cutest?
 One for me and one for Cory!

Sadly for Cory, my resent tomato harvest had me singing Louis Armstrong's "Let's Call The Whole Thing Off." For those of you who may not know, when I sing a song like "Let's Call The Whole Thing Off," any country song, or, OK  any song. It is more important to me to try and impersonate the singer than actually get any of the lyrics right. Also, I do a killer Macy Gray. ~L

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