Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Zinnas Round Two

They're bloomin! A few weeks back I posted about the Zinnias I started from seed. Here is a shot of them now.
 Look how tall they are now!
It's such a treat to walk out and see these beauties in the morning. 
After I snapped these pictures something terrible happened. I turned my head for two seconds and all the Japanese Beetles within 200 miles swarmed to my pretty zinnias (ignoring all the other plants in my yard, weird). They started feasting on the leaves and mating it was disgusting! Little jerks!  

I was thinking fast and loose at this point(the James Bond theme song started playing in the background). I quickly ran inside, nearly killing myself on a pair of Cory's sneakers, and grabbed a can of bug spray (like for humans). I began spraying the zinnias in a irrational effort to save their little lives. The beetles started flying away and within a couple of seconds my flowers were free of bugs, YAY! Then, the leaves began to shrivel and turn brown, the colorful blooms started spotting and discoloring. 
So, friends, if you see bugs attacking your plants take a deep breath, and DON'T reach for bug spray for humans. Hopefully they will grow back stronger and prettier than ever. I'll keep you posted (HA! get it, posted?! It's funny because this is a blog). ~L

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