Friday, May 27, 2011


The Red Tent…

In this historical-fiction novel, Anita Diamant breathes vitality into the biblical story “The Rape of Dinah.” 

Wait!! Hold on!!- Don’t let the Christian stuff scare you away! Although the story is derived from the bible, The Red Tent itself is not reminiscent of boring Sunday-School type lectures and nodding off in a pew…

Dinah’s story begins with her birth and the novel follows her through to old age. Throughout Dinah’s story her mothers (plural on purpose), siblings, friends and extended family weave a painful, powerful and passionate story about love, forgiveness, anger and all those themes that make books great.

It’s definitely a good read, check it out if you are interested in women’s topics especially. Or if you have a mom, an aunt, a sister or a daughter. or a female best friend. Just read it!


A Scattered Life…

Firstly- never before have I felt such strong dislike for a little old grandma, but the one in this book is a hard pill to swallow.

This novel follows the life of a young mother, Skyla, who has no friends, no family other than in-laws {see the old grandma}, no job/career, no meaning in life… Getting the picture?

New neighbors change all that for Skyla.

This book seems straightforward at first, but a massive, gut-wrenching twist keeps this from being your typical lackluster-unfulfilled-housewife-storyline that we’ve all heard before.

You will definitely cry reading this one. After I read it, I still felt like Skyla deserved a better life; so you might be slightly disgruntled at the end.

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