Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Container Gardening

My container garden has been making some exciting progress since my last garden post! 

It is amazing to watch all of my little plants grow strong... and actually avoid dying for once.

Other than the occasional hungry aphid, I haven't faced many challenges with my veggie/herb garden {fingers crossed!}

So enjoy these pictures; hopefully they make you as happy as they make me!

My first ever sweet pea = pure joy

Whenever I water my lavender plant it's lovely scent wafts up to my nose.

My vegetable road. From bottom to top: Bianca Bell peppers, Orange Bell Peppers, Purple Cherry Tomatoes, and my Japanese Eggplant.

Remember when I said that I planted some Dwarf variety carrot seeds in the bottom of my cherry tomato pots?? Look at what happened! I have a zillion carrot seedlings! Thanks for the tip Martha!

The aphids seem to really love the leaves of my Eggplant bush- but hopefully tomorrow I will find a safe/organic remedy for that issue. I took a close up of what I think may become my first eggplant flower!

Happy Gardening!


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