Saturday, May 21, 2011

Tranquil Bay Meet Our Picnic Table

There's been a lot of chatter regarding paint colors around here, and we finally picked one! I know, what a relief, right? Originally, Cory and I were considering yellow and about 5 different blue-green combinations. When we were sanding the picnic table (seen in the "Yeah, I Packed My Picnic Table" post) we revealed a nice minty green layer. So, we settled on a color called "Tranquil Bay" by Valspar.
We painted the top and sides of the table first. Once those parts dried, (which didn't take long given the 80 degree temperature) we flipped the table over and began painting the underside.
We took a short lemonade break while the bottom dried. 
Apparently Lucy needed a break too.
TA DA!!!! Isn't she pretty?! We opted for an exterior paint and it covered beautifully. We didn't even need to use primer!

Psst...When we went to Lowes to pick up the paint we noticed some picnic tables for sale. They were smaller than our picnic table and priced at a whopping $96.99 (that price didn't include the $10 fee you would be charged if you wanted someone to put it together for you). If you recall we purchased ours (second hand along with some other things) for $12 and spent around $20 for a gallon of exterior paint. Hello savings!!! I also have a nice tan and some natural highlights. Can't beat that!

Happy Saturday Everyone, Hope you were able to enjoy the sunshine!

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